So here I am, 35 weeks pregnant and searching for the best probiotic strains against Candida. Why? Well, I am dealing with the very unwelcomed, but sadly recurring, yeast infection. Apparently, my body just has decided to throw in a little extra “yeast-er” surprise. Why I am looking into probiotic Continue Reading
Vaginal breech versus c-section? Which one should I have?
So I am looking this up because I am currently 34 weeks pregnant, and my baby has been in the breech position every time we go to the doctor. I swear this baby already has a mischievous sense of humor, just like their dad. But hey, I’m keeping my fingers Continue Reading
Does c-section affect newborns microbiome?
This question interests me because I am currently 34 weeks pregnant, and I have been informed that if my baby remains in the breech position with no chance of turning, Estonian hospitals generally schedule a C-section instead of allowing a breech birth. Let’s delve into the topic. This is not Continue Reading